
Posts Tagged ‘Trains’

Day tripping …

Van_01(blog)My sister bought a Chevrolet utility van fitted with a “high top”. She’s been fixing it up to sleep two for caravanning. She built two bed frames out of 2×4’s and plywood. One runs along the length of the van, across from the side doors. The second is elevated about a foot above the lower bed and perpendicular to it alongside the rear doors.

Van_vinyl(blog)She laid vinyl flooring and drilled a hole in the side and caulked in a ‘cat door’ for the extension cord for power at RV camps.  With a small porta-potty and lots of on-board storage we were very comfortable. The RV camps provide laundry, showers and regular bathrooms ~ all for $25!

An oblong cooler with a top doubling as a tray and a wicker laundry basket (stuffed with a comforter and topped with a doggie bed) fit perfectly between the two front seats.

We camped in Gig Harbor the first night at a lovely RV park. This is a fun town. Lots of chi-chi, artsy shopping and the best birding/garden store ever.

We ferried to Vashon Island to see Betty MacDonald’s farm. This was a thoroughly enchanting island! These clematis formed a large shaded arbor at the farm.

Then it was back to the mainland via another ferry. (You only pay to get onto the islands, the return trip is free.)

The views of the Olympic range were stunning.

My sister stayed in Bellingham to visit her daughter over the holiday weekend. So I came home by Amtrak. It rivals the Coast Starlight route between San Diego and LA for beauty. Nearly the entire trip is on the shoreline of either the Puget Sound or the Columbia River.

I rarely sit in my assigned seat. I spend the ride in the commissary/dining car for the best views and a table. You have to book your tickets in advance, however. This route is so overused that even the dining car seats were sold! We need more public transit in this country!!!

Here’s a view from inside the Seattle station.

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